Friday, February 26, 2010

the value of my life,,

everyone of us have their own value of life!
i kept thinking and asking myself,what is my value of life??

and i have the answer..
i'll definitely say my family (parents and siblings)

im totally blessed when i've them next to me..
im proud to be one of the ZAINUDIN & RAZISAH daughter.

that is not the main story here!
juz a mukadimah guys..
actually,im goin to tell u this >>

i want to thanks my mum a lot for everything..
since u was taking care of me when im little n until im being this big!

i love my mom because >>

bila ima perlukan seseorg untk b'cerita, mak akan sentiasa ada kt sisi ima..
mak akan bg nasihat,nk bwat apa,nk bwat cmane..(she is my motivator and my advisor)

thanks mom!

bila ima tinggi kn suara sbb ima penat, mak xpena mara,mak diam je smpi ima cool down,pastu mak yg stat berborak ngan ima blik..(she is sooo understanding)

thanks mom!

bila ima nk blik umah,mak yg akan kol ima,tnye nk blik pkul bpe,nk jemput kt mne,
mak xpenah nk merungut bila amik ima..

thanks mom!

bila ima kte ngan mak,ima blik umah naik ktm,mak mula risau,kol hp ima bnyk kali,then ima ckp 'mak,jgn risola..xda pape nih,,ima da bsar',,but still,mak riso gak.(die amik berat sgt psl ank die sorang ni)

thanks mom!

bila ima da smpi umah,tgk2 mak da tunggu dpn pintu dan tersenyum.
pastu msok umah je,die tros amik beg yg ank die bwk.
then die tny,np lmbt??
(die sgt memahami,die tahu ank die pnat tp die xpena nk mara2 slhkn ank die ni)

thanks mom!

bila da penat,mak tanya 'ima da mkn?',when im saying 'why?' she will answer 'mak ada beli burger untuk ima'..
(really love u mom!!)

thanks mom!

bila time bosan2 kt dok umah n memerap dlm blek je,mak msok blek n ask 'ima bosan ke?',when my answer is 'yes'.die jwb mcm nie 'kite klua jln nk?' and my answer will definitely 'yes..yes and yes'..

thanks mom!

bila ima minx apa2 yg ima suka,mak mesti mak jgn riso,~tunggu ima da keje nnt k..ima balas blik jasa2 mak..

thanks mom!

bila malam2,mak slalu msok blek ima nk berborak..xdela ima bosan sgt.

thanks mom!

my mom have sacrifice a lots for me..yg mampu di lakukan oleh sy sekarang nih,hanyalah berkata TERIMA KASIH..TERIMA KASIH dan b'bnyk2 TERIMA KASIH mak!!
ima sentiasa sygkn mak sepenuh hati ima..

pg td,klua breakfast dgn my mom..
jmpe a couple having their breakfast too,,infront of our table..
then i look at my mom n said..

ima : mak,org len sume mkn ngan bf,ima je mkn dgn mak kn?
mom : eleh,mkn ngan mak lg bgos.mkn ngan bf watpe..
ima : heh!?

hahahaha..kelakar la mak aq nih..
im almost 21,tp cm xmatured je lg.
how come?

xbersedia nk tunang or kawen pon..

tp xpe,sementera msih hidop nie kita E.N.J.O.Y!!

:)) lol

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